I Trust the Next Chapter Because I Know the Author

Going out on my own was probably the biggest decision I’ve ever made. But it was the first time in professional life I found myself running TOWARDS something I really wanted versus being placed in a job someone else thought I should do. 

I’ve had so many people tell me how much guts it must have taken for me to make this leap. Was I scared? What’s my back-up plan? What did my husband and family think? Were they scared?

And every time those questions are posed, a renewed wave of peace and calm washes over me. Not because I think I have it all figured out, or that I’m too awesome to fail. Actually, quite the opposite. 

My mantra this year is “I am limitless.” And I believe this because I resolve to approach every situation with curiosity, humility and conviction. 

  • Curiosity - I’m always wanting to learn more, hear more, understand more about what people are thinking, feeling, wanting so I can better help. 

  • Humility - I am certain doors will close on me. I fully believe those doors weren’t meant for me and that’s OK. If I’m so caught up in the doors that closed, I’ll miss MY doors. 

  • Conviction - I know everything will work out as it should because I know the author of my next chapter. No, it’s not my award-winning husband who IS an author. It’s ME. And I enjoy this second season of life, it’s because of the growing knowledge I have about who I am; the endless trust I have in my intuition; the deep belief I have that following my heart will lead me exactly where I’m supposed to be. 

I know myself, believe in myself, love myself, trust myself more than any other time in my life. Why do I trust that I’m doing the right thing? Because I AM the author of not only my next chapter, but my whole life. 

Contact me if you’re interested in learning how to become the author of your life.


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