Stop looking back. You’re not going that way.

8,000 hours.

That's how much time we spend over the course of our lives regretting the past.

That's 333 days - almost an entire year of our lives.

WHY? Just so we can feel bad about a situation over and over again?


Stop looking backwards. You're not going that way. Here are some tips to help:
1) Pick one of your regrets and journal everything you remember about it.
2) Now, strike through all of the fictitious elements of your story.
3) Review the facts you're left with.
4) Consider, based on all you know now, how you'll operate differently.
5) FORGIVE!! Forgive yourself. Forgive others involved in the regret.
6) Establish a mantra to remind yourself of when faced with a similar situation.
7) Crumple up your journaling paper and throw it away, physically letting go of this regret once and for all.


Self-Respect is your superpower.