
Reframe. Refocus. Reveal the REAL YOU!


My Why…

From an early age, I was told that if I do things the “right” way, follow the rules, take the logical path and stay in line, I’ll have a happy and fulfilled life. So I obeyed. I went to college and got the “right” jobs. I met my perfect someone (whom I adore), settled down and started a family (two fabulous kids I wouldn’t trade for the world). And through it all, I pushed hard for the promotions and the little luxuries, and the social circles…

And then one day, I woke up, looked in the mirror, and saw this exhausted, frustrated and not entirely fulfilled woman staring back at me. I hardly recognized myself, so weighed down by all the masks I thought I was supposed to wear – that I wasn’t entirely sure who the REAL me actually was. 

I knew there had to be a better way. So I hired a personal coach and got to work – what I refer to as the an “archeological dig” – to remove my masks, refocus on what was ACTUALLY important, elevate my energy and reframe my approach to life. I was able to reimagine myself from the inside out. And the results were tangible: I was able to raise my average energy level from a 2 (“I hate you/I always win”) to a 5 (“Let’s collaborate/we win”) mentality. 


The transformational change I experienced was so profound that it led me to open my personal coaching business to help all those stubbing their toe, to remove your masks, understand the WHY behind your “shoulds” and “have tos.” And once you’ve done that, help you more easily move into a position of conscious choice, put your life into acute focus and start living your ideal vision.

Do I still face obstacles? YES! Do I have bad days? YES. But, armed with what I learned about myself through coaching, I know how to productively work through these obstacles. 

I have the personal experience and trained coaching expertise, coupled with 20+ years in marketing communications (deeply listening to understand what makes people tick), to help you shed the yuk and reveal the REAL YOU.