You OWN your emotions. Choose wisely!

Believe it or not, every day, in every moment, we consciously choose our emotions. Right now, in this moment, you’re choosing how to feel.

A client recently shared a success story she had in managing her emotions. She found herself in a situation where she was feeling like the victim - things were happening to her, circumstances were out of her control. But, she decided she didn’t want to feel that way, so she explored the emotion, acknowledged she had a right to feel it, and then consciously chose to change her perspective to the positive. Because of that, she completed the task more effectively and efficiently than if she would have - being distracted by the negative story in her head. And was able to then move on to the next activity - a holiday party - in a much better mood, able to enjoy herself and all those around her.

This is exactly what I mean by choosing your emotions. Someone can’t make you feel a certain way - you’re allowing it. Situations and circumstances don’t make you feel a certain way - you’re allowing it.

Sometimes it feels good to sit in your anger. And it can be therapeutic. But I encourage you to set a time limit - say, 20 minutes? Then, like my client did, work to process through that feeling to allow a more productive feeling to emerge. THIS is where you’ll choose a live of peace and joy.


Mindset matters! Kick off 2023 with the right one!


A simple reframe from “meh” to “MERRY!”