The grace of a pardon…

Every year, for decades, the White House has made a tradition of pardoning a turkey or two. This year, Chocolate and Chip are the lucky recipients. These beautiful birds are forgiven (of what, I don’t know) and set free to live the rest of their days in peace. It’s become something light and fun that adds to the spirit of this giving season.

If we can pardon a turkey so easily, can’t we pardon another just as easily?

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, Pardon means to excuse or forgive a fault, offense, or discourtesy without repercussion. What if we were able to do that exact same thing for someone who we believe has faulted or offended us? Because I guarantee that, most likely, they don’t even remember. They’ve moved on peacefully with their lives, not giving that moment a second thought. Yet we have! We’ve replayed it over and over. We’re only hurting ourselves!

So on this week of Thanksgiving, take a moment to pardon someone who has done you wrong. You don’t have to tell them or do it publicly at all. It can be something you do quietly in your mind, through journaling or meditation. And pause after you’ve done it to see the impact it has on your mind, body and spirit. You’ll be delighted what a difference it makes!

Happy Thanksgiving all!


A simple reframe from “meh” to “MERRY!”


What are you grateful for?